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About Me

April 2nd of 2017, A near death experience changed my life and my perspective of the world. My parents and I witnessed the car in front us flip over while traveling on I-96 in Detroit. We got out to help and while I was getting out of our car, I was struck by an impaired driver. At 7:45 on that Sunday morning, I laid on the highway screaming in pain and saying my goodbyes to the world and my loved ones. I was a 16-year-old Junior in High School with dreams of running Track and Cross County in college, but I was about to embark on the hardest race of my life. I lost my right leg below the knee, completely shattered my left femur, tore 3 ligaments in my left knee, and spent the next months in the hospital. I learned a very important message that day: that life changes in the blink of an eye. My loved ones gathered for my birthday in July and not my funeral. And for that, I am grateful to still be here. 

Sean English Motivational Speaking
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